CIF Southern Construct

About National Building Control Office (NBCO)

About the National Building Control Office (NBCO)

The National Building Control Office was set up in 2019, as an independent specialist unit hosted by Dublin City Council (DCC). This office provides oversight, support and direction for the development, standardisation, and implementation of Building Control in the 31 Building Control Authorities.

The office is responsible for the development and management of the Building Control Management System (BCMS) the online administration system for building control in Ireland. National Building Control and Market Surveillance Office | Access your local services

In 2020 the office was made the lead Market Surveillance Authority. To support the two National Competent Authorities (GSI and TII), and the 31 Market Surveillance Authorities.

The NBC&MSO’s vision is to Promote a Culture of Compliance with the Building and Construction Products Regulations in an industry marked by rapid changes in technology and processes. Provides oversight, support & direction for the development, standardisation and implementation of Building Control & Market Surveillance Activities as an effective shared services in the 31 Building Control Authorities; through five pillars as follows:

  1. Education & Training
  2. Inspections
  3. Compliance & Support
  4. Market Surveillance of Construction Products
  5. IS-BCMS

For Sponsorship Opportunities Contact​

Wayne Leitch
Lead Partnership Manager
Mob: +353 86 8575144
Email: [email protected]

Kevin Mulligan-Carroll
Commercial Sales Manager
Mob: +353 (0) 87 335 7663
Email: [email protected]

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