CIF Southern Construct

Delivering affordable, high quality and sustainable housing for all

It is acknowledged that there is a far greater housing need than targeted within the Housing for All and the National Planning Framework. A sustained increase in the completion of new homes is required to deliver adequate supply that meets the needs of Cork and beyond.

This panel will discuss:

  • key issues around planning policy and the planning system that are hindering the viability and delivery of affordable, high quality and sustainable housing
  • the Government’s decision to waive development levies and how these reductions are helping housebuilders deliver more homes
  • how the use of innovative construction techniques can keep costs down and ensure the delivery of good high quality, low-carbon developments
Construction & Engineering Team., Matheson LLP
Director of Housing and Planning, Construction Industry Federation of Ireland (CIF)
Managing Director, Astra Construction Services and President, Construction Industry Federation (CIF)

Sponsorship Enquiry

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